Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Thinking Again & Ending Well - The Thriving Thoughts Podcast Finale!
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Signing off from the Thriving Thoughts podcast, Dr. Sherri leaves you "well," and reminds you to think again (and again and again) because when you change your thoughts you really can change your life.
To continue following Dr. Sherri's work:
Promoting Mental Health & Preventing Mental Ill-Health
Join the cause of mental ill-health prevention by checking out Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global. Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for research projects and programs that will teach women how to fortify their mental health to improve their mental, emotional, and relationship well-being.
Learn more at: www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.org
Follow on social @ThrivingThoughtsGlobal
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Thriving with Jesus
Join Dr. Sherri's personal ministry for women who want to fuse Jesus and Thriving Thoughts! Visit www.ThrivingWithJesus.com to learn more.
Buy Dr. Sherri's Books!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show, which will remain available to you! SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Why Even Thriving Needs Thinning
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
There are two intentional actions you must take to cultivate and harvest a thriving mindset. One of them, just might surprise you.
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action! This is the homestretch for Thriving Thoughts, which will come to a close with a final episode on June 8, 2022. Dr. Sherri is ending this season of podcasting to dedicate her gifts to serving women worldwide through her nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global. Join her! Visit www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.org to learn more.
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
How to Use Your Feelings As Information
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Is it possible to take feelings that "feel" horrible and turn them into something that helps us grow? Dr. Sherri shares her personal experience, sprinkled with a bit of brain science, in learning to use painful feelings to thrive.
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action! This is the homestretch for Thriving Thoughts, which will come to a close with a final episode on June 8, 2022. Dr. Sherri is ending this season of podcasting to dedicate her gifts to serving women worldwide through her nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global. Join her! Visit www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.org to learn more.
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Sunday May 29, 2022
Who’s In Charge Here Anyway, You or Your Feelings?
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Do you get caught up in your feelings? Are you tired of fighting them? This is THE episode that gives you one simple practice you can start using today to exercise authority over your feelings and stop letting them run you over.
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action! This is the homestretch for Thriving Thoughts, which will come to a close with a final episode on June 8, 2022. Dr. Sherri is ending this season of podcasting to dedicate her gifts to serving women worldwide through her nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global. Join her! Visit www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.org to learn more.
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Acting on the Right Thoughts
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
To do or not to do? You will always DO something, but your thoughts are going to point you in the direction of your action. Are you listening to the right ones? Listen as Dr. Sherri shares how to put your thoughts into action so you can finally start living the life you say you want to live.
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action! This is the homestretch for Thriving Thoughts, which will come to a close with a final episode on June 8, 2022. Dr. Sherri is ending this season of podcasting to dedicate her gifts to serving women worldwide through her nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global. Join her! Visit www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.org to learn more.
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Sunday May 22, 2022
Calming Your Dis-Ease
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
Why are you so conflicted inside? Why do you feel so much angst, or anxiety and depression? Listen to Dr. Sherri's simple explanation to both answer your question and teach you how to calm your dis-ease.
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action!
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Friday May 20, 2022
Move Your Attention (Bonus + Big Announcement)
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Let's approach movement from a different perspective...to an intentional positioning of your attention. Listen as Dr. Sherri shares four questions to ask yourself if you're feeling the itch to pivot.
Don't miss Dr. Sherri's BIG announcement!
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action!
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Step Away From Your Work and Breathe
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Do you make it a point to stop what you're doing and move in a fresh way during your workday? If not, you might want to start. Research, practical encouragement, and a guest cameo make this one episode you literally can't get through the day without. Let's move.
Did you love Monica Fernandi's one-minute intentional practice of movement? It's so simple, right? Yet so powerful. Show her some love by giving her a FOLLOW on Instagram @awakenedsoulmate108 and Facebook.
And, check out Monica's new book, Open Your Presence: A Simple Method To Find Calm In Chaos. You'll love the heart behind her message, the simplicity of it, and it's applicability to your busy life! Buy it HERE or search on Amazon!
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action!
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Sunday May 15, 2022
Listen To Your Body (But First, Tell It What To Say)
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
You don't need to move your body in big ways to get big results. If you want to feel better about yourself, feel more confident, and love yourself more, look no further than today's episode. The best part of this episode's intentional practice? You really don't have to think about it at all (because you're already doing it).
If you're interested in the research cited in today's episode, please follow this links:
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action!
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Ask Not What Your Body Can Do For You
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Is exercise a bad word to you? Do you struggle with guilt because you're not doing insane workouts to get shredded, or maybe the guilt is simply because you feel pulled in so many directions even taking a walk sounds like a miracle. Take heart, it is a miracle and one that's readily within your reach. Dr. Sherri shares a simple practice to take off the pressure and do what you were designed to do: move.
Welcome to Season 8, Thriving Through the Power of Intention! In the same twice-weekly, five-minute episode format you've come to love and share, Dr. Sherri will teach you practical and applicable tips to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to fulfill your intentions through action!
(NOTE: No episode of this podcast is a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thriving Thoughts with Dr. Sherri teaches you practical thought and behavioral tools you can implement to promote your mental health and prevent mental ill-health.)
Support Thriving Thoughts Global!
Would you like to #getinvolved by donating your time (or financial support) to helping Dr. Sherri's nonprofit, Thriving Thoughts Global, give free access to women worldwide a deeper dive into the thought tools you get here on the show? Dr. Sherri is actively recruiting volunteers for various projects (all time and financial donations welcome) such as a podcast development team and social media team. Message Dr. Sherri for your opportunity to make Thriving Thoughts...Global!
DONATE to Thriving Thoughts Global today to support women's global access to practical and applicable life-changing thought tools!
As our thanks for your minimum 100USD donation, you will receive our exclusive Thriving Thoughts 52-Card Deck, a full-color, laminated deck of shareable thriving thoughts with stunning nature photography.
Go to www.ThrivingThoughtsGlobal.com to DONATE now! Thank you for partnering with us to teach women how to thrive through the power of thought!
Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's mini how-to thrive guide when People Say Things That Hurt! Just 5.49USD on Amazon or FREE with your Kindle Unlimited membership. https://www.amazon.com/When-People-Things-That-Hurt/dp/B08F7M82WR
SHARE THE LOVE by sharing the show! Tell your friends about today's episode in your Instagram story. Be sure to TAG @dr.sherrispeaks and use #ThrivingThoughtswithDrSherri and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a personally autographed copy of Dr. Sherri's book, Breakup Breakthroughs!
Friends, there are so many ways to listen to the show. SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and WRITE a 5-STAR REVIEW!
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thriving-thoughts-with-dr-sherri/id1474876807
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4p3dGacL22QYcKj0IPPtxi
Podbean: https://thrivingthoughts.podbean.com/
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Rocml2aW5ndGhvdWdodHMvZmVlZC54bWw?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjol6W2itrsAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en
Dr. Sherri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXu6Q74W79WAqSIkPSkkGc
Get YOUR copy of my new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman (and many men who've had the courage to read the book and write a review!) who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt!
If you’ve been encouraged by today's episode, will you please share this episode with someone you know who would love some additional thriving thoughts?
And, if you’re an Apple user, help us get in front of even more listeners to encourage them to thrive by clicking 5 stars!
Be sure to follow me on FB @dr.sherri and Instagram @dr.sherrispeaks
Join the thriving thoughts movement!